151 Ways to Start a Homestead – Even With No Land or Money
You want to start a homestead – but you have no land and no money. While it might seem impossible, you really can start homesteading today with any of the 151 ideas in this article!
it’s important to remember homesteading is a way of life – and you can start living the homesteading lifestyle today – no matter what your situation is!
When my husband and I first decided to start homesteading, to say we were discouraged was an understatement. We did not have it in the budget to buy land – and it was not like we could quit our jobs to focus on homesteading full time.
The good news? We found out that even living in a place I would consider to be “suburbia hell” we were able to successfully start our homesteading journey.
What really opened up our eyes was to see many people successfully start homesteading in a similar situation. We didn’t have to wait for land or money.
In fact, there are things you can start doing right now to start homesteading.
You can even successfully do a lot of these homesteading activities in an urban neighborhood, city apartment, or even while you travel the country in an RV.
There are no limits to the many things you can do to start your homesteading journey today!
Homesteading is a way of life – not necessarily where you live!
Why You Should Start Homesteading NOW – Yes, Today!
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed as a beginner when you first start homesteading. You might be overly excited and want to try to do everything – I know that was the case for me!
But, it’s best to start slow and to start small. A lot of planning and preparation can go a very long way!
The #1 reason you should start homesteading now, even if the conditions aren’t ideal? It will help you know where to prioritize your focus and help you build the necessary skills and experience.
Here’s Why You Should Start Homesteading Right Now Today:
- You can work now to develop skills that can serve you well for a lifetime and that can be passed on to generations to come.
- Many homesteading activities can be done anywhere and will help you save money so your dream of getting land can become a reality
- It takes time to learn new things – starting your research and learning now will help you gain experience and avoid mistakes later down the road
- You can use this time to start building connections to new friends who can help you on your homesteading journey.
Even if you are living in a city apartment or a townhouse in the suburbs, you can start doing a lot of fun homesteading activities. You can do most of the things we’ve listed here anywhere – many even while traveling!
Here’s 150 Things You Can Do to Start Homesteading Even Without Land or Money
If you’re ready to get started with homesteading today, these 150 ideas for things you can do will keep you plenty busy and help you move closer towards your goal of having a homestead.
Of course, you certainly can’t do all of these in one day – or even a week! But all of these things, when done over time will help you make some big changes in your life that will help your dreams of homesteading become all the more real!
1. Know Why You Want to Homestead So You can Find Your Focus
Knowing why you want to homestead and what interests you most about homesteading is very important. This can allow you to focus on what matters most and prioritize where to start. It’s a lot easier to start homesteading when you have some focus in the beginning!
For example, if one of the reasons you want to homestead is so you can grow your own fresh organic produce, then you might want to prioritize on learning how to grow an organic garden or how to start preserving food at home.
If your goals are to leave less of an impact on the environment, then you perhaps you might start with learning about renewable energy sources and how to go green in your current home.
Maybe your priorities are to teach your kids about the lifestyle and to be self-reliant. There are a lot of activities and clubs you could join that would be great for kids to learn some homesteading and community building skills.
Make a list today of all the things you want to do and why you want to do them. Once you have everything written down in a list, try numbering which things are most important to you. That’s where you start!
2. Make a Budget & Stick to It

We knew that in order for us make our dream of owning our own land for homesteading a reality we needed to get our finances in order. This meant taking a good hard look at our current financial situation so we could become debt free and get on a budget that would help us finally be able to afford land.
It wasn’t easy, but we made a plan, created a budget, and so far have stuck to it as best we can. Budgeting might not sound like much fun, but for us it’s one way to make sure we are only buying what we need, working towards being debt free, and brings us all that much closer to affording a homestead.
3. Sell, Donate, Recycle & Repurpose Stuff You Don’t Need or Use
For us, homesteading meant living a simple life. When we first started, we realized we had a lot of things that didn’t exactly match up with that lifestyle!
By cleaning out our garage and basement, we were able to free up a lot of space that could be put to good use for things that supported the homesteading lifestyle. For example, we made enough room in our garage for my husband to use the space for woodworking.
We’ve also had a lot of fun repurposing different things around the house for gardening, storage, and more.
Selling unused items for cash is also a great idea. This cash can be used for things you want to invest in for homesteading, such as tools and equipment for the garden or kitchen.
4. Start a Herb Garden

Herbs are easy to grow and can be grown anywhere – even indoors! It is easy to learn how to start a herb garden and there are even many herb gardening kits that have everything you need.
Some of my favorite herbs to grow are mint, basil, lavender, cilantro, chives, dill, oregano, and lemon balm. There are so many choices and most of these will grow just fine indoors and in any climate!
5. Research Your Local Zoning Laws
You might be surprised to learn what you are allowed and not allowed to do when you learn your local zoning laws.
It can also be a great way to band together with like-minded people in your community. For example, a group of people where I live recently came together to petition the township to allow chickens.
6. Read Homesteading Books and Magazines
There are a lot of great books and magazines about homesteading. Many can be found at the library.
You may also want to check to see if there are any used book sales near you. Used book sales can be a great way to get a cheap education! I loaded up with a whole bag of all sorts of great gardening books the last time I went to the library’s used book sale for just $5.
Need some recommendations for your homesteading reading list? See my list of the best 20 books on homesteading.
7. Visit a Farm
Many farms have open tours where you can visit the farm to see a behind-the-scenes look. Some even have pick-your-own crops or livestock you can pet.
This is a great way to get a break from city life if you are craving country life and unable to have these things yet! You will also be sure to learn a lot from the trip!
8. Learn How to Sew
Whether you learn how to sew by hand or practice sewing on a sewing machine, knowing how to sew can be very helpful when homesteading!
While many people think of sewing as “women’s work” – many men enjoy sewing as well. It never hurts to know a few basic skills like how to repair rips and tears or to sew a button back on.
If you already know how to sew – why not sew some things that might be useful for your homesteading journey? For example, you could sew blankets, clothes, dishtowels, totes, bags, and more.
9. Farm Sit for a Friend
Last summer a friend needed someone to watch the chickens for a few days while they were out of town. We had been wanting chickens for ourselves for a while, but our zoning laws at the time did not permit them. So, we happily volunteered! It was a great way to see what it would be like if we had chickens of our own.
You can often meet people in different local community groups on Facebook, or you can always look for posts on Craigslist or ask around your local area for ideas. There is always someone who is happy for a helping hand around the farm!
10. Go Camping

You can learn a lot about “roughing it” and connecting to nature when you go camping. Whether you borrow a tent or camp in a cabin for the weekend, it is a great way to practice survival skills, go for a relaxing walk in the woods and get back to the simple life.
11. Visit and/or Volunteer at a Colonial Festival
When my Dad started making buckets and rope at colonial fairs over a decade ago, pretty soon our whole family was literally “roped in” to volunteering at local Colonial Festivals and events each and every year.
These events are a lot of fun and a great way to learn new skills that can help you be sustainable. From gardening to spinning to woodworking – you can learn a lot from the demonstrators!
12. Visit a Farmer’s Market
Most areas have farmer’s markets in the summer months. When I visited New York City a few years ago in September, I remember there being quite a few events happening that offered farm fresh produce and more.
Not only do farmer markets give you fresh and healthy foods for a great price, you will be helping support another farmer in your community.
13. Learn How to Start Canning Your Own Food
Preserving your own food is fun and easy – and you don’t even necessarily need a whole garden of food to get started! If you visited a farmer’s market, you can learn how to preserve these goodies – no farm required!
Canning foods at home is easy to do, and gives you a lot of options to enjoy your favorite foods inexpensively year-round.
You might also want to look into ways to make your fresh produce last longer – there are a lot of ways to make those fresh fruits and veggies last for awhile!
14. Learn & Practice First Aid
Knowing basic first aid and CPR is a wise decision for everyone – not just homesteaders! Check with your local medical centers and county health departments to see if they offer any basic first aid training courses.
We all hope we don’t need to know these things – but it sure gives you a lot of peace of mind when you know you do know what to do! Accidents can happen, so it is always good to be prepared!
Now is also a great time to stock up on your own first aid kit at home. Do you have all the supplies you might need? Does anything need restocked?
15. Start a Homesteading Planner Binder
My husband and I aren’t even “old” by any means yet and already we are well aware of the limitations of our memory! Having a planner and record keeping binder is a great way to stay organized, focused, and keep track of everything.
You can see how I organize my homesteading planner – and yes, we even have some handy free printables you can use to start your own!
If you don’t want an elaborate or fancy planner that is perfectly okay too – just make sure you start writing stuff down somewhere and keep it in a safe place.
A simple composition notebook will work just fine. Even if you just keep a basic log of different activities or expenses you will be able to look back and know exactly what you did and how you did it.
16. Simplify Your Schedule & Learn How to Say No
We learned a long time ago that being too busy is just not for us. I used to be involved in a number of different things and activities, but a lot of these things involved a much bigger time commitment than I could give with my goals for starting a homestead.
My biggest problem? I was often saying yes to things I shouldn’t have. It’s not that I don’t like to help people – but many times I would find myself stressing out to do things. The stress was not worth it.
I also realized that while there are a lot of things I like to do for fun – I can’t do EVERYTHING ALL AT ONCE. Not possible! Could you imagine? Sometimes you will have to take a break from certain activities and events so you can really focus on what you DO want.
Learn how to say no when necessary – especially if responsibilities and commitments seem to be distracting you from what you really want to do with your life.
17. Start Exercising & Getting in Shape
It’s hard to believe that only 2 years ago I weighed 50 lbs more than I do now. I had very little energy and often did not feel very good. But, I made a commitment to start being more active and eating better.
Within 6 months I lost over 50 lbs – just by making better food choices, drinking a lot of water, getting my health in check and staying active. I took my dog for daily walks, went kayaking with our kids, and did tons of hard physical labor helping my husband with different tasks around our house.
Eating well and living an active lifestyle can make all the difference! You don’t have to do anything drastic either. Start by just taking a walk around your neighborhood or a park each day.
Choose fresh veggies & fruits and foods made from scratch over processed foods. Cut down on sugar or milk. These little things can really help you have more energy and feel a lot more fit for homesteading!
18. Make Some Likeminded Friends & Be Active in the Community
Having likeminded homesteading friends is always a very good idea! Otherwise, you will likely only meet people who will try to talk you out of it or think you are crazy or distract you from your dreams.
Good friends and family members will support you for what you want to do – no matter how different or crazy it may seem.
The other advantage of good friends? You can help each other. It’s good to know you can call a friend or neighbor up if you need help. You can borrow things from each other as needed. While homesteading is often about self-reliance, no person is an island – you need some community!
One of the easiest ways to make some new friends is to go to local events and classes near you. For example, there are many gardening clubs and classes – and this can even be a great way to trade plants and seeds!
19. Start Composting
I We always thought composting was not something we could do easily at our house in the suburbs. Boy was I ever wrong! You don’t need a giant compost bin or any elaborate system. I was able to get started with a small garden container and my coffee grounds each morning. Within a month or so I had a nice bit of rich compost to use in my gardening!
This was great, because it saved me on needing to buy a lot of potting soil! Eventually you can start creating a larger compost pile – and if you are in the suburbs, you can likely even ask your neighbors if you can have some of their grass clippings!
See our post on Choosing the Best Compost Bin for your needs to learn how to get started!
20. Borrow, Barter & Trade for Things You Need Instead of Buying Them
One of the reasons we’ve been able to survive as well as we have on a limited budget is that we often barter and trade for different things – no cash required!
Borrowing stuff from others is usually not a big deal as long as you are able to take care of it and return it in a timely manner. There are also many community lending libraries now that allow neighbors to share and borrow equipment.
21. Get Cooking
Something that has really benefited our family is cooking more from scratch. Not only are we eating healthier and saving money, but it is becoming a fun activity we enjoy together.
However, I was NOT a very good cook when I first started cooking. Most of everything I made turned out as a disaster. Now is a great time to start learning how to cook and brush up on your cooking skills.
You can learn a lot simply by spending time with people who DO like to cook – and of course, the best way to learn is practice and experience!
22. Learn to Identify Edible Plants in the Wild and Forage for Food
Last year I was trying to identify some rogue “weeds” in my lawn – only to discover these plants were completely edible and healthy for us!
Thanks to a friend, I learned that those purple violets in my year not only were edible – they were a great source of vitamin C and made for a fantastic fresh salad. {Note: be sure if you are eating wild plants from your yard that you did not spray the area with any pesticides or chemicals!}
You’d be surprised how many edible foods we have growing in our own backyards. It is very important to learn how to identify the plants however – you would not want to mistake an edible plant with a poisonous one.
Check with your local state parks – oftentimes they will have special hikes and classes to share with groups how to find foods that are safe to eat in the woods growing wild and naturally!
23. Learn About Different Herbs and Their Uses

When you start identifying plants, you are sure to be curious about their different uses! I am by no means an expert herbalist, but I am always learning more and more about the different plants and their many benefits! For example, the echinacea plant shown above has many herbal uses!
Many plants can be used for home medicinal use and culinary use. Herbal remedies have been used to treat common ailments for thousands of years – no prescription necessary. Several beneficial plants can be grown pretty much anywhere. For example, you can learn how to grow aloe vera indoors very easily!
It’s very nice to be familiar with the different plants and what they are used for – especially if you are growing any of them! I know after a hard day I can have a nice cup of chamomile and catnip tea and feel completely relaxed. I’ve also really enjoyed learning about bitter herbs and their many uses.
It is important to use caution, care, and common sense when learning about herbal remedies – and of course to know when to see real professional medical help if something is out of your scope – especially with kids and anyone with an existing medical condition.
If you’re interested in getting started with learning herbs and different herbal remedies, you can find a lot of great info here on our website!
24. Don’t Buy Anything You Can’t Afford
On the day I got serious about starting our homestead, I stopped using all of my credit cards. I knew that in order for us to really get serious about getting our homestead we would have to get out of debt.
Buying stuff on credit cards was not going to solve our problems. I decided I would only buy things if I had the means to pay for it upfront. If I didn’t have the way to pay for it up front, I would simply have to wait until I did.
This helped by reducing the amount put on credit cards. We had some bills that were paid online through credit cards – I changed these to be paid through debit cards only.
25. Make Your Own Cleaning Products
Even if you live in an apartment you can benefit from using all-natural cleaners you make yourself.
Using things like vinegar and baking soda not only is often more effective than a lot of commercial cleaners – it can save you money and does not have all the toxic chemicals!
26. Learn to Drive a Manual Transmission Stick Shift Car
There are a lot of benefits to knowing how to drive a stick shift car with a manual transmission. First of all, cars with manual transmissions are generally a lot less expensive.
Second of all? You’ll be able to easily move on to driving a tractor when the time comes!
27. Learn How to Weather Proof Your Home
Living through cold winters my entire life has made me realize the importance of good insulation and weatherproofing! Not only will your home stay warmer easier, but it can greatly reduce the cost for heating.
This applies in the summer also. Air conditioning can take up a lot of energy and drive up your costs. Learning ways to keep cold air in your home and hot air out can reduce the need to use an air conditioner.
28. Start Container Gardening

If you are in an apartment or even a small suburban home, you can grow a lot of your own food in containers! When I was a single mom living in an apartment, I actually grew tomatoes in a container on my balcony!
You can also grow a lot of plants in containers on your porch, patio or deck. My husband built a stand for planter boxes on our porch and we grow all sorts of things right on our porch. Even a house in the city can enjoy a container garden outdoors on a stoop or sidewalk area next to the door.
29. Join a Local CSA for Fresh Produce
CSA is the acronym for Community Supported Agricultural Program – and these are great ways to not only support local farmers near you but also get a wonderful variety of different fresh vegetables and fruits each summer!
We have found several CSA programs near us with a lot of great and affordable options – the key in really making it worth it is to make sure that you preserve anything you might get! You can also always share with a friend or family member if you’d like if there are certain things you may not like.
30. Make Friends With the Crock Pot
I’ll never forget how excited my husband was the first time I made something in a crockpot our first year we were married. Seems silly, but it really was delicious – and took really little no time to cook!
Since then, I’m always researching and trying new things to make in the crockpot. It saves a LOT of time, especially with kids. Best of all, most of the slow cooker recipes are very simple!
31. Learn How to Make Your Own Yogurt
Learning how to make your own yogurt is surprisingly pretty easy! These are great ways to experiment with different recipes and to make exactly what you want and need.
If you are thinking about the possibility of getting a cow or goat for milk on your homestead eventually, this is definitely something to learn now!
32. Learn to Spin, Knit or Crochet

Like sewing, learning to spin your own yarn is a very handy skill to have on a homestead! Spinning can be done anywhere – you do not need land, and you don’t even need a spinning wheel! You can easily start making your own yarn with a $10 drop spindle!
If the thought of making your own yarn seems daunting, you can first learn to knit or crochet if you don’t do these things already. There are TONS of great resources online to learn how to crochet, or you can always ask a friend who knits or crochets to teach you.
33. Learn to Mill Your Own Grains
One of the things that I was able to do easily from the suburbs was learn how to mill my own grains. This can save a lot of time and money, and you’ll have a nice selection of different grains you can use for breads, baking, and more!
You can buy grains in bulk from a number of different places, and then all you need is a good grain mill. Wheat, rice, barely, and rye are all great examples of grains you can mill for baking. If you follow a gluten free diet, you can save a LOT of money by milling your own almond or coconut flour.
34. Try Making Your Own Natural Soaps

Making your own soap can be very economical – and you can pick exactly what ingredients you like! There are a number of ways to make soap, and some of your ingredients can even come from your own backyard, such as lavender.
You do not need a lot of expensive supplies to get started and resources for how to make soap are abundant – you can also always check to see if there are any classes offered locally where you live.
35. Get Creative With Repurposing
Many of us who dream of a simple homesteading life really enjoy repurposing things into new uses. We have repurposed a LOT of different things around the house.
I often save a lot of containers from different things we buy to use for storage and crafts with the kids. I also learned how to paint and refinish furniture. It’s less expensive – not to mention rewarding – to take an old worn dresser and repaint it than to buy a new one.
36. Make Homemade Gifts for Family & Friends
Not all family and friends will appreciate a homemade gift, but many will! Making something homemade has a lot of advantages – it is often more personalized, it can be a lot less expensive, and a lot more meaningful. I personally know I cherish the homemade gifts that people make for me.
You can make simple recipes or baking mixes, canned goods, plants you have grown or something craft you’ve made yourself. All of these are great things you can give to others – no matter what type of homesteading lifestyle you live!
37. Learn About Beekeeping

If you live in a suburban area, you may be surprised that you can likely keep bees as long as your zoning permits for it! Bees do not require a ton of acreage – 2,000 sqt feet is plenty space for two hives.
I’ve yet to meet a local beekeeper who is not excited to share everything they know with people – so don’t be shy in connecting with local apiary clubs
38. Go Fishing or Learn to Hunt
One of the requirements for our property when we finally get it is that it absolutely must have a creek or pond for fishing! Fish are a great source of food, and you can definitely enjoy a nice relaxing day of fishing for dinner when you know you have a well-stocked pond.
If you’ve never been fishing before, be sure to check with your local state game commission – you most likely will need a license if you do not own your own lake or pond. Fortunately, licenses are inexpensive. Going with an experienced friend is the best way to learn.
If fishing isn’t your thing, another option is to learn how to hunt. My friend recently started his website ClimbToHunt.com to share what he knows about hunting so it’s a great place for beginners to learn the basics until you have a chance to get out with a friend. If you’re ever in a survival situation it will definitely be good to know how to get food!
39. Make Some Creepy Crawly Friends
Worms are wonderful for composting and making rich garden soil. While having a “worm farm” might sound crazy, you will definitely want to have some earth worms to help turn compost into fertile soil for your plants.
If you go fishing, you can also use these worms as bait if need be. Having your own supply of worms is a great thing to have when fishing, since bait shops can be pricey or hard to find in some areas.
Who knows? You may even be able to find local gardeners and bait shops who would like to buy your worms. This is also a great educational project for kids!
40. Go to Farm Show
While some farm shows are elaborate events with all sorts of crazy things happening, others are slower paced.
We really enjoy going to at least 2-3 farm shows and festivals a year because there is so much to learn at these events! You can see animals, meet a lot of great people, and support local farmers, artisans and crafters.
41. Grow Functional Multi-Purpose Plants
We’ve found that the best flowers to use for landscaping around our house are the kinds that serve many purposes. For example, every year we grow sunflowers – and the seeds can be great to use for all sorts of recipes.
We also like to grow a lot of plants that are useful for the garden as a whole. For example, growing basil next to tomatoes can help your tomato crop really do well! We also like to grow plants that repel mosquitos – because nobody likes a mosquito!
42. Pick Berries

I love picking berries, especially raspberries and our own blueberries. Berries have so many great uses – from pies to jams to just snacking on them straight from the plant!
I have had friends grow blueberries in their backyard of a city lot – and we even have a nice blueberry and raspberry patch here in our suburban yard.
If you can’t grow your own berries, there are a number of pick-your-own farms – or find a friend that has berry bushes! They will welcome the help and likely let you take some home in exchange for helping to pick so many!
43. Dry Your Clothes on a Clothesline
When we were kids, clotheslines were common. Everybody always had their laundry and blankets hanging out to dry. Today, it’s unusual to see it – although I actually am happy when I see our neighbor a few houses down has all of his clothes hanging outside to dry.
Now, there is a time and a place to have a dryer – mainly, if it does nothing but rain for weeks on end and no space indoors.
But, for the most part using a clothesline can be done anywhere. You can use a simple rack in your apartment or bathroom. As kids, my mom used to hang clothes all over the dining room to dry.
Not only does this save money and a lot of energy – it is also good exercise and a great way to be outside!
44. Create a Routine and a Schedule for Getting Things Done
Having a routine and schedule can really help make you manage time every day more efficiently. You don’t have to be totally locked into a schedule – afterall, sometimes you do need to be flexible or make some changes after a few weeks or months!
But, it DOES really help with making sure you take care of all the chores for the day and get everything on your to-do list closer to being done! {The to-do list never ends…but it’s good to make some progress!}
45. Learn How to Ferment Your Own Foods
Many of my friends take a lot of interest in fermenting. I have friends who make everything from sauerkraut to fermented tea {kombucha} – all from a city kitchen!
There are all sorts of fermentable foods you can make easily in just about any kitchen in the world – many of these are ones even I would be willing to try! Kefir, Kombucha, Miso, Sourdough, Pickles, Sauerkraut – the possibilities are endless!
Many of these are on my “to try list” one of these days – I’ll be sure to share the experiences once we do them!
46. Start a Blog to Teach Others – And Increase Your Income
I have been blogging full-time since 2008 and have owned multiple sites – blogging for me has always been a great way to not only share information with others – but it can even be a source of additional income.
Having a website now will also be helpful if you ever decide to start selling items from your homestead, as it can help spread the word about your projects, products, and services.
47. Shop Secondhand
Whenever possible, if I have to buy something I buy it from the thrift stores, flea markets, garage sales, estate sales, craigslist, and local facebook groups. If I can buy something used for half of what it would cost new that is a great thing.
Estate sales are great for a lot of different things, especially for homesteading supplies – many times you can find anything from garden tools to tractors to kitchen gadgets and more.
Things we get secondhand the most: clothes, furniture, hand tools, games, puzzles, and books. All these things just make a lot more sense to buy used!
I also often buy my fabric for various projects by buying old clothes and bed sheets to cut up into what I need. This is much more economical than buying the overpriced fabrics at craft stores!
48. Bake Your Own Bread
There is nothing quite like the taste of freshly baked bread. You can either learn to bake bread in your oven, or you can always get a bread machine.
You may also want to learn how to make your own yeast starter so you won’t ever have to buy yeast again! It is very easy to get started in making sourdough!
49. Get a Cast Iron Pan
Once you start cooking with cast iron, you won’t want to use anything else! Cast iron is very versatile, and a well-seasoned cast-iron pan or dutch oven can be a great thing to have for any time you are cooking.
We use cast iron a lot for camping, and it only made sense to use it in the house as well. It can be tricky to get that cast iron pan perfectly seasoned – but once you do you will be glad you did!
50. Make Candles

Candles are good to have for a number of reasons. If the electricity goes out, a candle can certainly give you some much-needed light! They are also a great way to light outdoor patio spaces without attracting a lot of bugs or spending electricity.
I have made candles with both soy wax and beeswax. You can also easily scent your candles with vanilla – but skip the commercial fragrances – studies have shown these can be quite toxic for you!
51. Stop Using Paper Products
Another thing we did to reduce how much we use and throw away was to stop using paper products like paper towels, paper plates, and such.
Obviously, it can save you a lot of money, but it also saves you a lot of unnecessary waste. Making the switch is easy to use regular plates and dish towels on a regular basis.
52. Make Your Own Beauty & Personal Care Products
I’ve found that making my own DIY bath & body products saves a lot of money – and is good for you too without any toxic chemicals.
53. Stop Throwing Away So Many Things
It’s hard to believe how much the average family might throw away in a week. It’s crazy to think how much is thrown away and wasted!
Many of the things I used to throw away, like coffee grounds, are actually great to use in the garden! You can use many things like vegetable peels, potato skins, and more in creating a nice compost for your garden.
Today I always think more before I throw something away. Can it be used for something else? Can it be used for compost? Can someone else use this?
We also try to avoid buying anything that is disposable when possible. For example, we don’t use batteries unless they are the rechargeable kind.
54. Replace Prepared & Prepackaged Foods With Foods You Make Yourself
Chances are if you look in your pantry right now you have plenty of foods that are pre-made and out of a box. For example, you might have a package of cookies or crackers, or cereal.
It’s easy to start making the switch from store-bought foods to homemade foods. Invest in some good storage containers and start making your own cookies, crackers, cereal, and more!
And, also important – stop buying these foods! Little by little you will be able to replace most of the things you buy now – or even better, find that you like the stuff you make yourself a lot better!
55. Make Soup
Soup is a great way to stretch your grocery budget, and it is healthy for you too! There are many great soup recipes to try that use vegetables and herbs straight from your garden.
56. Take Classes
You’d be surprised how many great classes are offered both online and locally in your own community. Your local library likely often has free classes – you may be able to find specialized classes for topics you are interested in online if none are available locally.
You should also check local events calendar websites and local Facebook pages and events – you never know what might be available!
57. Learn How to Make Cheese
Making your own cheese might seem daunting at first, but it is actually not that difficult depending on what types of cheese you make.
If you are thinking about getting goats or cows, this is definitely one thing you will want to learn to do!
58. See How Long You Can Survive Without Going Grocery Shopping
If you live in a rural area, going to the grocery store regularly just simply isn’t an option – sometimes that store can be more than 40 minutes away!
59. Learn How to Hunt
Unless you want
59. Practice Gratitude & Contentment
It’s easy for us to want something we don’t have yet. But in doing that, sometimes we miss the beauty of the things we DO have all around us.
Each day I practice gratitude for a couple of minutes. Anytime I do something like have a cup of coffee or even just put sugar in a recipe I think how thankful I am to have exactly what I need at that moment.
60. Learn How to Work on Cars and Small Engines
While some people may not want to have a car on their homestead, in today’s world it’s still often a necessary requirement. Being able to do your own maintenance and repairs as needed can help you save a lot of time, money and help you build skills that are useful as a homesteader.
There is always a high demand for repairing small engines for mowers and tractors. Your car also needs regular maintenance for things like oil changes, tires, brakes, and more. By being able to repair these things yourself, you can save a lot of money – and you are not dependent on the busy schedule of a mechanic while you wait for your car!
We only have one car as a family, and we’re pretty darn proud that it has over 187,000 miles on it and still going strong. No doubt, a big part of this has been because my husband has always tried to fix things himself on it whenever possible.
My husband also is very good at fixing lawn mowers and riding mowers. By learning how to change spark plugs and carburetors he has been able to easily keep all of our lawn equipment in good working order.
61. Start Collecting Seeds Now
You can start collecting seeds from many of the foods you eat today to plant for the next season. For example, say you buy a big beautiful zucchini from a farmer’s market – scoop those seeds out, wash them, dry them and save them to plant for the next season!
We are always getting a lot of foods we could grow. Be sure if you are collecting seeds from different foods you eat that you know the source! If possible, only do this with foods you know come from a local farmer’s market or organic garden.
For example, I know I can safely grow garlic that comes from my father-in-laws garden – but I sure wouldn’t want to use grocery store garlic for planting, since most of those have been treated with all sorts of chemicals.
62. Check for Community Initiative Projects
Many local areas have a number of community initiative projects that can give you a head start in being able to get as close to homesteading as possible.
For example, the major city we live near offers residents free lots to rent for community gardens. There are also a lot of development grants available for small businesses and women.
It’s definitely something worth checking into if you are a city-dwelling homesteader! Start by researching your local county and city websites – also see if there are any other assistance programs available.
63. Learn About Solar Power
We have been learning a LOT about solar power these past few years as we research to prepare for our homestead.
Even if you do not plan to have an off-grid homestead that runs solely on solar power, there are a lot of easy ways to implement solar power for cost savings.
For example, I use solar power/crank flashlights for camping and when the power goes out. We have solar powered lights we use for our outdoor lighting. You can learn to bake in a solar oven.
One fascinating website to visit as a modern homesteader is the BuilditSolar.com website. There are a LOT of great ideas for things you can do that only require solar power.
64. Develop Building and Wood Working Skills
It’s never a bad idea to know how to be able to use a lot of basic woodworking tools. You can build furniture, organization and storage, sheds, barns, porches, fences – all of these things can be very helpful skills to have when you are running a homestead!
We use a lot of reclaimed wood to build all sorts of things – from raised garden beds to potting benches to even making the trim for our house. Knowing how to use tools like a saw and drill make this very easy to do!
You can often take classes to learn woodworking, or simply learn from someone else who is experienced and could use some help – everybody loves a volunteer!
65. Explore Alternative Gardening Methods
There are many ways you can start gardening that is not your traditional plot of land with some plants. Hydroponics, aquaponics, vertical gardening, straw bale gardening, and mushroom gardening are all possible things to explore.
Some of these things can be done indoors and in small spaces, such as vertical gardening. Others you may want to research just because you never know – that may be something you are very interested in doing!
66. Learn How to Dehydrate Foods
There are all sorts of possibilities that exist with a dehydrator! I had no idea until I started exploring it myself!
Initially, I was interested in learning how to dry herbs. Pretty soon this expanded into learning how to use a food dehydrator for all sorts of things.
For example, you can use a dehydrator for leafy greens like kale, spinach and more – this makes for a great addition to any smoothie for some added nutrition!
67. Slowly build up on Necessary Tools & Equipment
If you were to buy every single thing that existed to make homesteading life easier and more fulfilling all at once, you would quickly be bankrupt! Instead, it’s a good idea to slowly start collecting the things you know you can use anywhere and will need.
For example, there are a lot of kitchen tools that are useful to have to help make it easier to process fresh foods for preservation. You don’t need them all at once however! You can start with just one thing at a time and stick to your budget.
68. Tell Your Non-Homesteading Friends & Family What Kinds of Things You Need
For every person who starts homesteading, there are plenty of people who want nothing to do with the kinds of things homesteaders love. I’ve found it’s a great idea to tell friends and family who aren’t into homesteading what kinds of things I’m looking for because it’s a great way to get free and cheap things.
For example, let’s say you have a friend who’s cleaning out her grandmother’s estate and comes across all of her sewing or crochet supplies – you could use that! Or maybe you have a city friend who loves cooking and is always replacing their current home gadgets with something new.
Maybe you have a friend who’s always buying clothes and cleaning out their closet to stay up to date on the latest fashion trends. No harm in asking friends to save old clothes that you can reuse for different things.
Some people just might be moving or they might see stuff for sale in different local sale groups on Facebook or at a thrift store or flea market. If non-homesteading friends know what you are looking for they might just have something you can use.
69. Organize or Participate in a Community Swap Meet
Another great way to help people reduce clutter AND get useful things they might need is to have a community swap meet. You can do this with a small group of friends at someone’s house, or even do this in different clubs and organizations you belong to.
This is a great way for you to get rid of things that you don’t need and trade it for stuff that WILL be useful for you!
70. Consider Getting a Dog
While it may seem like a dog isn’t related to traditional farm animals, the right dog could be a great way to get used to caring for an animal if you don’t already have pets. As long as you live in a place that allows pets {check with your landlord if you have an apartment!} – this is a great pet to have!
Dogs are good for companionship, safety, security, and protection. Different breeds have different characteristics, so if you are considering getting a dog you should definitely research the breeds to know what kind is right for you and your family.
There are a lot of jobs dogs can do. For example, there are dogs that are good at herding. There are dogs that are good at hunting and tracking. Every dog can be a good watchdog! If you or anyone in your family has special needs, many dogs can be trained to do different tasks.
71. Consider Getting a Cat
Like dogs, cats have a special place in many homesteader’s hearts. Possibly even literally, as there have been studies such as this one that suggests a link between cats and lower cholesterol levels and lower risk of heart disease.
A cat can be a very good thing for helping keep away unwanted mice, rats, snakes, and more. Cats are not easily trained, but there have been quite a lot of studies suggesting cats have a number of benefits for a person’s overall health, mood, and wellness.
72. Prepare for What it Might be Like Without Electricity
We take electricity for granted far too often – you never know when extreme weather or other circumstances could cause power failure.
Being prepared for what you would do in case of not having power can be very useful for any situation – homesteader/prepper or not!
Because we have always been avid campers, for us not having electricity is mostly just annoying. Our family has successfully gone over a week without electricity and internet many times. Would you believe we actually enjoy it? 🙂
73. Reduce Screen Time
Sadly, spending time staring at a screen is becoming way too commonplace. Some people even spend more time looking at their cell phones than they do talking to the people right next to them.
Kids especially can have a hard time balancing time on the computer or watching TV – and it’s up to us parents to make sure our kids know the importance of getting exercise and doing things “for real”.
Because I’m also a full-time blogger, it’s hard for me to completely go screen-free – that is one of the main sources of our income! However, I have found that when I am consciously aware of how much time I spend in front of the computer and it’s at a healthy balance I am way more productive both online and off!
74. Be Proactive in Your Health
I believe it’s important to pay attention to your own health and wellness and be as proactive as possible. By making healthy living choices now, you can prevent a lot of health problems later down the road.
Now is a great time to kick those bad health habits to the curb! It’s also a good time to think about what health concerns you may have based on your family’s health history. If you are planning on going off-grid, you may also want to consider how you might deal with different health issues if they would arise.
75. Make Tea

Many herbs can make for excellent tea – and you don’t need to have a thousand-acre farm to grow your own herbs or enjoy a good cup of tea!
Now is a great time to try different herbal teas – and possibly even try growing your own herbal tea leaves! Getting a loose tea diffuser is a great way to make tea out of many different types of herbs.
76. Research History
History is fascinating, and we can learn a lot by studying cultures and time periods of long ago.
While I’m thankful for our modern conveniences and advances in science, learning about different ways people have survived and thrived through the ages can really be interesting!
77. Travel
Homesteading for many people means settling down in one place. This is especially true if you are hoping to care for a lot of animals and crops.
Traveling before you are committed to any one aspect of homesteading is a great idea, as it allows you to explore different areas and things easily.
We have traveled a lot as a family, and thanks to these experiences we knew where we wanted to live. It also helped us understand what type of geography and climate will work best for the types of homesteading activities we want to pursue.
78. Visit a Botanical Garden
There are many botanical gardens all across the United States – and many of these offer classes and special events to teach you about plants and gardening.
If you are a suburban or urban homesteader, you will definitely want to get a membership and take advantage of the many perks!
79. Research Different Farm Animals

While livestock and animals aren’t for everyone, you may find there are a lot of great animals that can be raised ethically and humanely for a number of benefits. For example, you can raise sheep as a source of wool.
If you know you want to raise chickens or goats – now is a great time to start learning all you can about the different breeds and caring for these animals.
80. Know the Native Wild Animals
Another good idea is to become familiar with the non-domesticated animals you might encounter wherever it is you may live. Raccoons, deer, squirrels, and even adorable rabbits and groundhogs can be an issue for some gardens!
You may also want to learn about bears, wolves, and coyotes – we have had all 3 of these even in the suburbs!
81. Practice Simple Home Repairs
You can do almost any DIY project on your house no matter where you live. It is always a good idea to try and learn how to fix things yourself. Not only can it help you save on home repair costs, but you gain a lot of valuable experience!
82. Work on How Your Family Handles Conflicts
Something that is important when you are homesteading and have a family is that everyone is able to get along. We might not always agree with one another, but how we handle conflicts makes all the difference!
If you are married, it’s a very good idea to make sure you and your spouse have open communication and know-how to overcome disagreements and challenges together.
83. Build Up a Library
While I love digital books, the truth is they depend on using electricity and having an internet connection. For me, it makes a lot more sense to use a physical book that doesn’t require electricity!
If I buy an eBook that is exceptionally good, I will print it out so I have a paper copy for reference. I also like to have reference books on hand in case I ever need info on a subject and do not have electricity.
84. Find Inexpensive Non Electrical Sources of Entertainment
For me, most of everything I do while homesteading is entertaining – but I know sometimes you need a break from it all to unwind and relax. While it’s easy to find entertainment on the internet or by watching TV or movies, there’s a lot of other things you can do that don’t require electricity or TV.
I like to play musical instruments, paint and draw, or sew and crochet whenever I find myself needing a rest from all the work! If I need a mental break before bed, puzzles are a good way to get the brain to change gears.
85. Learn About the Process of Making Maple Syrup
Tapping maple trees to make maple syrup can be a lot of fun – not to mention potentially profitable if you have the ability to do so where you live now. Two trees are enough for most people to have enough maple syrup for their own needs and have some leftovers to share with friends.
If you don’t have maple trees, you can always plant them, although it may take up to 15 years before they are ready to be tapped. You can also check with local state parks and different historical societies near you – they may be able to help you find maples to use in exchange for presenting a demonstration.
86. Start Meal Planning Seasonally
Different foods are in season at different times of the year. For example, you can’t exactly grow fresh blueberries in the middle of January – and so instead you would likely have to rely on canned, dried, or frozen berries.
It’s also a good idea to start doing this if you plan on growing most of your own food – it’s very helpful to know what veggies are in season and how you will preserve them so you can enjoy them year-round.
87. Learn About Common Garden Problems & How to Deal With Them
Slugs, beetles, mites, and aphids are just a few pesky garden insects that can cause damage to your crops. Now is a great time to research and learn how to prevent them and what to do if you might suspect them in a garden.
If you are planning on growing specific crops, you may also wish to look into the different plant diseases and how to deal with them.
88. Learn How to Graft & Plant Trees
Trees are amazing for so many different uses. Whether you grow fruit trees or plan on heating your home with firewood, the more trees in the world the better!
Not only do they give us better air quality, but they also provide shade and protection from the elements. Many cities give away free trees each year, you can also get trees from the Arbor Day society. If you know someone with fruit trees, this could also be the perfect time to learn how to graft trees!
89. Learn How to Test Soil at Home
There are a number of soil testing meters that can tell you the moisture level and pH of your soil. There are also home soil testing kits that can help you test for things like nitrogen, phosphorous and more.
Being able to test your soil will help you not only learn the science of having healthy soil for the types of plants you are growing – but also help you be prepared to know how to fix it if need be!
90. Make Your Own Pet Food
If you have a dog or a cat, have you thought about making your own pet foods? It may seem a little daunting at first, but it’s actually no different than cooking for yourself, other than perhaps a few different ingredients!
Many pets do very well with an all-natural diet of homemade pet foods. You can also make your own dog treats and more.
91. Practice Building a Fire
There are many ways you can safely build a fire – and not all of them require matches or even firewood!
Fire is one of the essential elements of survival – being able to build a fire safely in any condition and without supplies is a great skill to have.
92. Learn How to Find & Purify Water
Clean, safe drinking water is something we all take for granted. We need water to survive, so it is very important to have a basic understanding of how to obtain and purify water.
Many survivalist clubs and groups have a lot of excellent resources for this. You can also look into making your own filtration systems. If you are planning to homestead off-grid, you may also want to begin understanding how wells and pumps work.
93. Cancel Unnecessary Monthly Subscriptions
This is something that I have noticed as a new trend – everything is a monthly subscription-based model. Whether it’s software on your computer or a movie streaming service like Netflix – all these little things add up fast!
Something I’ve started doing is going through my budget each month and canceling as many as recurring subscriptions as possible. This can really add up and save you easily a hundred dollars or more each month!
94. Stop Drinking and/or Smoking
Nearly everyone has that one “vice” – maybe it’s enjoying a bottle of wine or smoking for example. These things however can be expensive, not to mention unhealthy!
If you smoke or drink, it’s always a good time to start reducing your dependency on it! Consider quitting altogether. If that’s not an option, there is also always the possibility of exploring your own methods of making wine or growing and drying out tobacco.
95. Stop Growing Grass
Believe it or not, did you know that grass, not food, is one of the biggest crops grown in America? This study by Nasa is pretty eye-opening!
Instead of growing grass in your yard, why not grow something that provides food? You can easily grow a lot of vegetables or herbs in that space that is currently a patch of lawn!
96. Make Your Own Mulch
There are a lot of benefits to using mulch in the garden – one of the big ones being it helps cut down on weeds!
Learning to make your own mulch is a great way to save money in the garden. Using newspaper as mulch helped me cut down the amount of mulch I needed to use in the garden by half!
97. Inspire Kids to Start Gardening

There are a lot of fun ways to get kids involved in gardening and learning important skills. Something as simple as a dinosaur in the garden can spark young imaginations to be interested in exploring plants!
No kids of your own? You can always enjoy time with nieces and nephews, other families in your neighborhood, or even consider volunteering to work with kids in your community.
98. Meet the People in Your Neighborhood
It’s always a good idea to know the people who live close to you – whether you live in the middle of the city, in a suburban housing development or even in the rural country.
If you are homesteading in the suburbs or an urban area, staying on good terms with your neighbors is important. One of the best ways to do this is to help each other out and share things with each other.
99. Get Rid of Your TV
I grew up without cable television and a TV that was sometimes able to get 3 channels. For me, TV has never been very interesting – especially in comparison to all the other things I could be doing besides staring at a screen!
Most of what’s on TV is commercials – even if not a commercial, many of the shows you might watch promote a lot of consumerism and fear-driven entertainment – not exactly things that match up with living a happy self-sustainable life!
Cancel the cable {saves money!}, and sell or recycle that TV now!
100. Reduce the Digital Clutter
As a full-time blogger, digital clutter for me can sometimes be just as bad as physical clutter. It’s all too easy to just “back up to the cloud” or throw stuff on an external hard drive and then completely forget it exists.
What would you do if tomorrow there was no internet or electricity? Would you panic that you no longer have access to certain things?
It’s a good idea to think about this in the digital age and decide what types of things are worth backing up and what things you can safely delete with no regrets. Not only can this save on storage space, but it will also help you know you have hard copies of any important digital assets in a safe place if necessary as well!
101. Take Care of the Stuff You Have
One thing that is absolutely important when you are homesteading is that you take care of what you have so that you do not need to replace it.
When you treat something like it is the only one you may ever have, you are a lot more likely to keep it in good working order. Not only does performing regular cleaning & maintenance on stuff you won help in last longer – it improves how well it works.
For example, if you have a refrigerator, just taking the time to give it a good cleaning and defrosting the freezer can help it work more efficiently.
102. Purge Electrical Gadgets You Don’t Actually Need
There are tons of electricity-dependent gadgets that you might have that you don’t actually use that much or even need to use.
For example, do you really need to blow dry your hair? Use an electric can opener? An electric razor?
While I’m not an extremist saying you should get rid of every electrical-dependent item you own – getting rid of things you don’t need to use can save you money and help you reduce clutter.
103. Collect Rain Water
Rainwater can be a great source of water for watering plants. There are many ways to collect rainwater – even if you only live in an apartment with a small balcony!
By collecting rainwater, you can save a lot of money on water – and your plants will thank you too, especially if you only have municipal tap water that has been chemically treated!
104. Drive Less
One of the only reasons I have ever considered living in the city is because it is easier to go to different places without needing to drive. When I had an apartment in a small town, one of my favorite things was being able to walk everywhere easily.
Driving less than you need to can save a lot of time and money. Simply changing your driving habits to do all of your errands on one day can reduce how much you are driving. You can also carpool with others to help save on expenses and lower the impact a car has on the environment.
105: Get Organized
It’s common for many families to have so much “stuff” they don’t even know what they have – let alone where it is! Not being organized can cause stress, clutter, and even cost you money if you have to replace something you can’t find.
Taking the time to organize the things you have can make a big difference! Tackle the closet, your cabinets, your pantry, that junk drawer.
106: Go Barcode Free
One of the common things many people are doing is trying to go “barcode free” as much as possible. The goal? To stop buying anything with a barcode. Many items at the stores with barcodes are not made sustainably or locally.
Instead of buying items that have barcodes, those who choose to accept this unique challenge instead shop locally. They also shop for handmade and secondhand items when necessary.
107: Build a Bug Hotel

Not all bugs are bad – many insects are beneficial to have in the garden! Having your own bug hotel can help attract pollinating insects and help reduce the population of pesty insects.
You can easily build one out of reclaimed materials – as long as it is in a safe spot for the insects to live, you will soon be able to enjoy many benefits of having an insect hotel. It’s also a great science activity to do with the kids! You also do NOT need a lot of space to do this!
Be Inspired By These Insect Hotel Ideas!
108. Learn to Carve Wood
Wood carving is a very helpful skill to have. With the right skills and practice, you can carve many useful things out of wood. Spoons, bowls, tools, crochet hooks, knitting needles or even toys for the kids!
109. Learn to Felt Wool
Felted wool can be useful for a number of different projects. Felted wool can be a good insulator. Felt can also last a very long time. It does not wrinkle easily and has many different uses!
110. Decorate with DIY
While there is a balance for simplicity for many homesteaders, it is still important that you feel good about how your home feels and looks. Rather than buying home accessories or decorative items, you can learn to make your own from materials you already have.
Make your own vases and fill them with fresh-cut flowers from the garden, or make your own pillows, drapes, and more!
111. Grow Your Own Pharmacy
Many plants have beneficial properties that can be used as natural home remedies to replace over-the-counter synthetic medications.
Garlic, aloe vera, and other plants can all have many beneficial uses!
112. Create a Family Chore Schedule
It’s never too early to get young kids helping around the house! When you have a chore schedule, it can help everybody stay on task and share the workload together.
Kids can help with watering plants in the garden, doing dishes, cooking and preparing meals, cleaning, laundry, and more.
113. Choose Eco-Friendly Toys for Kids
There are many ways you can help kids to be environmentally friendly – and still have fun! Learning to make your own toys instead of buying them is one simple way to spark imagination, save money, and reduce the number of things you buy.
You can also choose toys that do not require electricity or batteries and shop at thrift stores or children’s consignment shops to give old toys a second life. Another fun thing to do is organize “toy swaps” with other families so kids can trade and learn the benefits of sharing with each other.
114. Learn to Make Baskets

Baskets have many uses – and learning to make your own baskets can be a useful skill that could even potentially result in a means of income. Basket weaving can be learned relatively easily and all sorts of natural materials you grow yourself can be used in making them.
115. Grow Your Own Natural Plant Fibers
Many plant fibers can be grown and spun into eco-friendly thread and yarn to use for weaving and sewing. Flax can be grown to produce linen, or you can even grow your own cotton, hemp, or bamboo.
116. Teach Others
No matter how “new” you may be to homesteading, there are always skills you can share with others, especially as you learn new skills and gain experience.
Teaching others can be a great way to pass on knowledge – or even potentially become an income source. Many people are interested in learning how to be more self-reliant and live a sustainable life!
117. Learn How to Make Rope
There are endless uses for rope – and you can easily make rope yourself! Rope can be made for any length and size. Ropes are useful for survival and shelter – or you can even use your own rope to hang a clothesline.
You can even make your own rope crafts, such as containers, rugs, mats, bags, and more!
118. Learn to Dry Flowers
Dried flowers can have many different types of uses! You can use them for your own DIY bath and beauty products, as potpourri to scent the house, decorating, cooking, and even some of your own herbal remedies. This is a great way to make so many pretty annual flowers worth planting!
119. Make Croutons and Breadcrumbs
Making your own breadcrumbs is a great way to use uneaten fresh bread. Simply toast up the bread! You can crush it up to have breadcrumbs for all of your favorite breaded and fried foods.
You can also make your own croutons and stuffing mix this way. You’ll never need to rely on a box of Stovetop again!
120. Learn to Harvest Your Own Natural Sweeteners
While we all know too much sugar is not good for us, it can be very beneficial to attempt to grow your own. Most white sugar is commercially processed and bleached – yuck!
Raw, unrefined sugar comes from the sugar cane plant – and even contains nutrients. If you are able to grow sugar cane, you can enjoy the natural unrefined sugar you grow yourself!
There are also many natural alternatives to sugar you can grow yourself. For example, you can grow the stevia plant, an agave cactus, or tap into Maple trees. These are all great things to learn about when you start homesteading.
121. Enjoy More Raw Foods
Eating raw foods has many benefits. It does not take as long to cook. You do not have to use the energy from a stove or heat source. You can also enjoy the health benefits of antioxidants and other nutrients in the food!
122. Use Nature for Art Supplies
Whether you choose to make your own tempera paint or use items from nature as a paintbrush, there are plenty of ways to use nature to spark your creativity!
123. Learn About Homeschooling Laws Where You Live
Homeschooling can be very rewarding for many families – and a great way to use your homesteading activities as educational opportunities!
It is wise to learn about homeschooling options and laws in your state. While homeschooling is not for every family, for many it is a great choice! Researching laws before you buy land can help you be prepared to make the right decision for your family.
124. Learn to Start Seeds
Starting your own plants from seed can save you a lot of money in the garden. It’s easy to get started and later you can transplant the seeds into larger containers. Get our free printable seed starting tracker here.
125. Cook on the Grill or Over a Fire
There’s nothing like a good barbecue and grilling can help you expand your homesteading cooking skills. Cooking outdoors on a grill or over the fire is a great way to become less dependent on a full kitchen.
126. Make a Homesteading Vision Board
A vision board is a great way to visualize exactly what your homesteading dream and goals might look like. Grab some popular homesteading magazines or print images from online free image sites such as Unsplash.com. Keep your vision board in a place to remind you to stay clear on your goals for homesteading.
127. Research the Land Buying Process
Buying land can be an overwhelming process to navigate, especially when things such as mineral rights, timber rights, and waterway rights are involved. Learning how to read a survey and talking to an experienced real estate agent can help you get on the right path to finding your dreamland for homesteading.
128. Start preparing for your move if applicable
If you know you will be buying land within the next 6-12 months, now is the time to start thinking about the logistics of furniture and the things you will keep, and the things that are not necessary. Start sprucing up your current home for resale, or consider organizing and downsizing the items you have in storage.
129. Identify and Confront Your Fears
Homesteading can take a lot of determination, but for some, it can be a scary process. If you are concerned about making changes, take them slow and spend some time now identifying and confronting these fears.
130. Join Local Clubs and Groups
Getting involved in your community is a great way to make friends and learn a lot about homesteading. You can check locally for Facebook groups or even check on sites like Meetup.com. I was pleasantly surprised our area has an online chicken club and of course, there are many groups for gardening and seed exchanges.
131. Spend Less Time With Your Phone
Today we have everything we need in the palm of our hands – but the more time you spend on the phone the more dependent you become on it. Time tracking apps can help you spend less time on your phone, or try to go a specific amount each day without using it.
132. Learn How to Use Essential Oils Safely
Essential oils can be wonderful things on a homestead, but it’s important to practice safety first! Taking a course in aromatherapy or tincture making can be a great way to learn how to have your very own apothecary and natural medicine cabinet.
133. Learn About Rocks and Minerals
One thing that can be very useful as a homesteader is to learn about rocks and minerals and their different uses. For example, flint can be used to spark a fire. Being able to identify the different rocks and minerals and know their uses can be very helpful!
Some rocks can be beneficial to use in your garden for draining and improving soil conditions for your plants. For example, limestone can be added to your soil to change the acidity.
134. Create a Survival Cache / Bug Out Bag
While most of us hope we would never need this, it’s good to have a “big out bag” with the necessary survival supplies should you ever need to quickly pack up and move.
Many survivalists also recommend keeping a survival cache in a different place from your main supplies, so that you still have an emergency backup just in case.
135. Learn How to Grow Beans
Beans are perhaps one of the best long-term foods to grow in your garden, as they can be dried and store for a very long time. You can grow black beans, pinto beans, navy beans, lentils, and more quite easily.
Not only are the food preservation friendly – they are healthy and delicious! Add them to soups, chilis, or even sprout them!
136. Grow Your Own Grains

When we think of planting a food garden, something that is often overlooked is growing grains. You don’t need acres and acres of land – just 1,000 sq. feet is enough to produce a bushel of wheat.
There are many other grains you can grow, such as buckwheat, rye, oats, grain corn, and more.
137. Use Reusable Water Bottles and Travel Mugs
Plastic water bottles are not good for the environment, or your budget! Investing in a few good reusable water bottles for the family can not only save a lot of money and help the environment.
Travel mugs are also a great idea – this way you can brew your own beverages like coffee and tea at home and still take it “to go”.
138. Reduce Your Consumption
It’s crazy to think how much we overuse in our daily lives. For example, if you use shampoo, you only need a teeny tiny amount – not a handful! Same for liquid soap, laundry detergent, toothpaste, and more.
Even in many cooking recipes, you can get away with using less sugar or other ingredients the recipe calls for.
By reducing the amount we are using, we are able to stretch what we do buy to last as long as possible.
139. Learn About Mushrooms
People are often surprised to learn it is possible to safely grow your own mushrooms! From portobello to shiitake mushrooms, the possibilities are endless!
This could even potentially be a crop you are able to sell, as mushrooms are often in demand.
140. Brew Your Own Beer
While we all know drinking too much beer is not healthy or wise, there can be a lot of benefits of brewing it yourself. For example, you can use different herbs and ingredients that actually add health benefits rather than cause health problems.
141. Learn to Distill
There are a number of benefits of being familiar with distillation methods. Whether you want to distill your own water, make your own spirits, or even make essential oils – learning this time-honored craft can be helpful and fascinating!
142. Visit as Many State Parks & Their Offices Near You As Possible
State parks offer a wealth of free information and opportunity. Many offer classes and special education events. Even a visit to the state park office can give you plenty of free educational literature, maps, and a good understanding of state wildlife and game commission laws.
When visiting the parks, you can also use that time as an opportunity to develop and hone your natural survivalist skills. Forage, identify plants, learn to navigate trails and more!
143. Make Your Own Vinegar
Vinegar is easy to make at home – and has many uses! You can use it for cooking and in your salad dressings and condiments. You can learn how to pickle foods with your very own vinegar.
You can also use vinegar for cleaning. Apple Cider vinegar is long revered for its many uses and health benefits!
144. Learn About Scrap Metal Recycling
It’s crazy to think many people throw away important metals found in everything from household electronics to furniture – especially when these metals can be recycled and exchanged for cash!
Some metals pay more than others – and you will always get the best price for your metals if you learn how to sort them. It’s always a good idea to separate and extract the valuable metals from the others.
For us, recycling scrap metal has even become a source of income, as we are always able to take a trip to the scrap yard anytime we are in need of cash. Your neighbors will also appreciate that you can help them get rid of unsightly things they don’t want anymore – and you can cash in when you recycle it!
145. Learn How to Blacksmith
Blacksmithing is a time-honored skill that can be used to make tools and equipment. You can learn this skill from historical re-enactment groups or simply do some research and start practicing.
Modern-day blacksmithing still has many uses – from making wrought iron fencing to tools and equipment.
146. Learn About Glass Blowing
Glass blowing is another skill that has spanned across centuries and is still very much in high demand today. A glassblower can make all sorts of items – from cups, glasses, jars, vases, bottles, pipes, and more. This is a great skill to learn when you first start homesteading!
147. Make Your Own Butter & Ghee
There is nothing quite like your own churned butter! Not only will have butter, but you will also be able to make buttermilk in the process!
Ghee is a more processed clarified version of butter but has a few advantages – one being that it stays shelf-stable longer.
148. Research Alternative Eco-Friendly Building Methods
Many people do not realize there are so many ways to builds homes and other structures that do not require your traditional wood frame and shingles.
There are earth bag houses, straw houses, stone masonry, and more. Some people are able to build houses using nothing but recycled materials. You do not have to spend a fortune in building a house – you don’t even necessarily need to get your construction materials at a lumber supply company.
This can be very beneficial in saving money – and give you a beautifully unique place to live all at the same time if you ever decide to move to a different place for homesteading.
149. Learn how to propogate plants fron cuttings
Many new plants can be grown from cuttings, giving you plenty of plants without needing to buy seeds.
Many plants can be propagated by cuttings – see our list of plants here.
150. Bake a Pie:
Pies might not seem like essential homesteading skills, but pies are actually a great thing to know how to make. You can make traditional pies like apple pie and pumpkin pie, or you can even make savory pies like chicken pot pie.
151. Work on Increasing Your Income
Naturally, getting money to buy land and start homesteading is something you should start doing as soon as possible. Think about ways you can increase your income, whether it’s through working extra hours, changing jobs to make more, investing or selling stuff you don’t really need or use.
Make sure you have a dedicated savings account and that you contribute to it each and every month – no matter how small that amount might be. Overtime it will build up to make your dream of buying land a reality.
Do you know of any ways to start homesteading without land or money? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!
What happened to 124 – 132?
I enjoyed your list so very much. I’ve done at least 2/3 of them! That surprised me.
Oops. We fixed it Holly!